Friday, March 15, 2013

Double Feature

Last night was AMAZING! I don't even really know where to start!

When I got there, the line was already HUGE, so I was really scared that I would end up with a bad seat. As it turned out, though, the extra money I spent on my VIP ticket was TOTALLY WORTH IT. I got this awesome poster as my 'ticket', and got to go in early with the rest of the VIPs for our special Q&A. I was almost too nervous to say anything, but Connie nudged me into speaking up. I'd made them all cupcakes, packaged up in the packaging from the store so they looked less like creepy stalker cupcakes or something. They were devil's food with icing motifs to match their characters/roles. Terrance got the cupcake with the red icing and the spun sugar book on top, Emilie Autumn got cream cheese icing that I'd decorated to look cracked like Painted Doll's skin, Lar got music notes, and Darren got a megaphone. They all dug into them, so I guess they must've liked them.

After that the rest of the people got to come in and they showed the brand new Fight Like a Girl video! It was AMAZING. I was completely bowled over-it felt more like a tiny movie than a simple music video. I wonder if maybe they'll eventually turn the album into a musical. It would be good for it! We were the first stop on the tour, which meant that NO ONE who wasn't involved in making it had ever seen it before!

The meet and greet was later, during the showing of Repo!, and that was when things got even more interesting. Terrance is adorable, and he told me he really liked my dress. You know you've done cosplay right when the creator thinks your costume is good! And Emilie... was really drunk by that point. I was a little bit worried about her, she'd sat there during Devil's Carnival and drank most of a bottle of wine. She seemed pretty happy when I went to talk to her, though, and when she realized I was the one who'd made the cupcakes she. Um. Well, she kissed me. Enthusiastically. I wasn't expecting that. She's a good kisser and I kinda wish I could do it again. I'll probably never even have a chance to be in the same room with her again, though. I'll just remember it as one of those weird, amazing things.

Repo! was fun on it's own, too. We had kind of an impromptu shadowcast start doing the show out of random people who were in the proper costumes. There was one guy who had the most amazing Repo Man costume I've ever seen! His visor even glowed!

The whole thing was so cool I didn't even mind that I had to walk home from my subway stop because it was so late. I'm glad I took today off work, though. I wouldn't have been able to get up two hours after I got home to go start baking.
Terrence Zdudnich likes my dress!

Darren Bousman laughed at my nervous jokes!

Emilie Autumn kissed me!

Best. Night. Ever.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

At the Opera Tonight!

I leave for the show in just a few minutes. I've finished doctoring the prop lantern to look accurate. Cupcakes are baked, my hair is styled, my makeup is applied, I've let Lana know she'll have to open for me in the morning, and I've got my dress on. This is going to be AMAZING!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

So Excited!

I've been working on my costume for the showing. I'm going as Tamara, from DC, but in the 'In All My Dreams I Drown' costume instead of the main one because I can't really sew well enough to make the super stylistic main dress. Here's a gif from the scene, since I can't seem to find a full body shot of the dress.

I'm super excited for it! I didn't manage to make the show the first time around, but this time I've got VIP seats, so I also have a meet and greet that I'm super excited about! I just hope I look okay-there weren't really any black characters I could cosplay, and I don't exactly have the same body type as Jessica Lowndes. I do have the song memorized, so that's something, at least!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Getting Started

I was going to do this on Tumblr, but I think I'm too old for it or something. The interface doesn't make much sense to me, and I'll sacrifice being able to reblog endless amounts of gifs in favor of actually being able to use my own blog.

As you can probably guess by the background, I'm a huge fan of the Devil's Carnival, and I wanted a place to nerd out about it and maybe rant about my life a little. Now seems like a pretty good time to get started, I'm about to hit the live screening here in town on Thursday!